Due to the advancement of Kali Yuga and the negative influence of the excessive use of the internet and television, the youth in Gurugram and the surrounding areas are developing unfavorable habits and inclinations towards grossly materialistic ways of entertainment. This in turn is taking them away from their rich cultural and spiritual heritage that they have been blessed with due to being born and raised in the holy land of Bharat.
In view of this, the Iskcon Youth Forum (IYF) Gurugram, has taken up the lead with the task of imparting right education and giving good sanskaras to the youth in Gurugram right from their childhood. To meet this end, the IYF team goes to schools and colleges and imparts spiritual and ethical knowledge to the younger generations through interesting presentations, videos, lectures etc, about the ill-effects of bad habits and good effects of associating with positive influences such as the International Society for Krishna Consciousness(ISKCON).
The IYF conducts, amongst other such programs, Five Day Courses on Bhagavad-Gita and Bhagavatam both at the school and at the temple, which are tailor-made to the requirements of the particular group of youth participating and encourage them to have the complete association of ISKCON by offering them IYF membership free of cost. Numerous such Five Day Courses have been conducted in the past 5 years, with an average of 2 per month. The average attendees per batch is about 60. The IYF also conducts regular Sunday classes, teaching the participants the principles of Krishna Consciousness as instructed by Srila Prabhupada.
The main aim of this project is to cover all the Schools and give the students good knowledge of Bhagavadgita, encourage the students to practice chanting daily, participate in singing kirtan, and imbibe the spiritual practices that are preached and propagated by ISKCON

HG Namashraya Das-Director

HG Mangal Hari Das, Co-Director