Welcome to the International Society for Krishna Consciousness, also known as the ISKCON. Our journey began in 1966 with just two rooms in a storefront in New York City, and has since grown to become a global community with over 700 centers around the world.

We are proud to have distributed over 560 million books and literature, which share the wisdom and teachings of the Bhagavad Gita and other sacred texts. Our mission is to spread the message of love, peace, and spiritual harmony to people of all cultures and backgrounds.

In addition to our spiritual pursuits, we also prioritize ecological sustainability and have established over 65 eco-farms worldwide. These farms serve as models for sustainable living and emphasize the importance of respecting and preserving our planet.

We also operate 110 vegetarian restaurants, which provide delicious and healthy plant-based meals to our members and the public. Our restaurants prioritize locally-sourced and organic ingredients, and offer a range of international cuisine.

Join us in our journey towards spiritual growth, sustainability, and compassionate living. Explore our centers, literature, farms, and restaurants to learn more about the our movement and how you can get involved.

Our Philosophy

As parts and parcels of the Supreme Lord, it is our nature to be happy (ananda mayo ‘bhyasat). However, due to our material conditioning and the influence of Maya (illusion), we may forget our true nature and our relationship with the Supreme Lord, and struggle in this world like a lost son of a billionaire or a fish out of water. But we can find true happiness by reconnecting with the Supreme Lord.

Krishna, the Supreme Lord, who resides in the spiritual world of Goloka Vrindavan, descends to this world to perform enchanting pastimes and give us a chance to return to our original home. By connecting with Him and following His teachings, we can experience true happiness and fulfillment in our lives. At ISKCON Gurugram, we strive to share the timeless teachings of Lord Krishna, which have been passed down through the disciplic succession, and can help people reconnect with Him. Let us remember our true nature as parts and parcels of the Supreme Lord and take steps towards reconnection with Him.

Founder Acharya

A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada, born Abhay Charan De on September 1, 1896, in Calcutta, India, was a prominent spiritual leader, scholar, and founder of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON), commonly known as the Hare Krishna movement. He was a dedicated disciple of Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura and took sannyasa (renounced order) in 1959.

Prabhupada traveled to the United States in 1965 at the age of 69, where he began his mission to spread the teachings of Lord Krishna. Despite initial hardships, his deep spiritual insight, devotion, and charisma attracted a following, leading to the establishment of ISKCON in 1966 in New York City. His movement emphasized the practice of bhakti-yoga, chanting the Hare Krishna mantra, and living a life centered on devotional service to Krishna.

Srila Prabhupada was a prolific writer and translator, authoring more than 70 books, including his famous translation and commentary on the Bhagavad-gita and the multi-volume Srimad Bhagavatam. His works have been translated into numerous languages, spreading his teachings globally.

He passed away on November 14, 1977, in Vrindavan, India, but his legacy continues through his disciples and the institutions he established. His contributions have had a lasting impact on global spiritual awareness and the practice of Krishna consciousness.

Our President

Rambhadra Das ( Ravindra Kumar) :Temple President of ISKCON Gurugram , joined ISKCON in 2006. He is the disciple of HH Gopal Krishna Goswami Maharaj.

A former IT professional with a B Tech in Information Technology from Chandigarh. Earning various  educational degrees from ISKCON: Bhakti Shastri, Teachers  Training Courses 1 & 2, and Leadership-Management Course, becoming Deputy-Director of ISKCON Youth Forum, Delhi.

He leads and inspires a diverse team of 150 leaders to share Bhakti Yoga’s teachings. Under his leadership, the beautiful Radha Damodar Temple in Gurugram was established, serving 50,000 meals daily to the needy. He is managing various ISKCON centres across Gurgaon -Sector 31. Bhiwadi, Sohna, Manesar etc.

He has initiated numerous online educational programs, corporate wellness initiatives, and significant events like VIPLAVA and UDGAAR in which 15 thousand youth participated setting world records. During the pandemic, he oversaw the distribution of 500,000 free meals. He organized 11 Rath Yatras across Gurgaon, spreading the mercy and blessings of Lord Jagannath to the people of Gurugram.

He exemplifies leadership and compassion, making significant contributions to spiritual education, community welfare and youth empowerment spreading Krishna Consciousness in every corner of Gurugram and adjoining areas.

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